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Image by Birgith Roosipuu

About Us

Fashion Meets Service

Tired of walking through endless shops, looking for just the right item? Enter Lady Pasithea, where you’ll find a huge selection of goods at unbeatable prices, only a few clicks away.

Lady Pasithea was founded by a group of like-minded fashion devotees, determined to deliver style to shoppers worldwide. Our store policies are fair and generous, our customer service is smart and useful. So what are you waiting for? Start shopping online today and find out more about what makes us so special.


The name is derived from the Greek goddess, Pasithea. She is a personification of rest and meditation, as well as an altered state of consciousness. She was Zeus' daughter, and she was married Hypnos, god of sleep.


She was prophesied to marry a king who would not take her. He turned her down, and Zeus turned him into an eagle, where he became enamored with Pasithea instead. This means that she is often associated with transformation.


To continue the theme of metamorphosis, the store will offer items that are relevant to one’s sense of style. Watches, jewelry, sunglasses, and hair & beauty tools will all be available for purchase… All at reasonable prices so that even if you are on a tight budget, you may still acquire something wonderful!


The logo has significance as well. The greek goddess in the middle symbolizes beauty, with her radiance representing her capacity to enter your mind or dreams (to fly away to whatever dream world you desire). Her feet are encircled by the letters she sits on, which suggest support (that we are all a part of each other), all of which conveys balance from turmoil (that we will always have another day to try again) and mystery (the unknown, what will tomorrow bring?).


Stop by our shop and use code LADYP to get 10% OFF your ENTIRE order!


We hope to see you soon!

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