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Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQs before sending us a message.

What are the delivery charges for orders from the Online Shop?

There are no delivery charges. Shipping is free for our customers.

Which payment methods are accepted in the Online Shop?

We accept mostly all major forms of payment.

How long will delivery take?

Shipping should last about 3-7 business days.

How secure is shopping in the Online Shop? Is my data protected?

Online Shop security is our top priority. Our data protection comes in the form of SSL Protection, the world standard for Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) prevention. This means your data will be encrypted between your browser and server with AES 256-bit encryption, which provides an almost cryptographic level of assurance that it can’t be intercepted or decrypted by anyone who intercepts this information travelling over the internet.

We use 128-bit encryption to transmit credit card numbers for payment processing, but we don’t store these numbers anywhere securely on our servers or in any other way on our networks – they are only available to RAM while they are being processed for making a payment online.

What exactly happens after ordering?

When you order an item, it is normally split into two parts. The first part is to process your payment for the order then send off an email with a confirmation of what you ordered that will also include any other pertinent information. Once the vendor has processed your order they will package up and ship out your purchase via standard mail or other carrier depending on weight and value –usually within 1-3 business days after processing date. Lastly, should there be any issues with delivery or should you need to contact customer support they’ll be able to help at anytime through their direct customer service line (which may require additional charges).

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

Once you have paid for your order online during checkout, you will see receive an email confirmation of purchase with your order details. Please see above to see what happens after you order.

How long does it takes for you to respond?

Please wait about 48 hours for me to get back from you. All spam and scam emails will be ignored.

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